ProGibb SG will increase pasture DM production within three weeks of application.
In commercial demonstrations of ProGibb SG over a 3 year period,increases in dry matter ranged between 30 and 60%.
Applying ProGibb SG to freshly grazed pasture stimulates cell expansion. This results in rapid foliage growth occurring for between 3 to 4 weeks after application.
The amount of dry matter production is dependent on the amount of available soil moisture and nutrients needed to sustain the accelerated growth.
It is normal for sprayed pasture to take on lighter appearance (greeny-yellow as opposed to dark green) as a result of the rapid dilution of chlorophyll but this effect disappears within 14-28 days.
This visual response does not affect pasture quality.
ProGibb SG treated pastures take on a more upright and even appearance.
ProGibb SG has little effect on the growth of broad leaf pasture components.