Getting the best from ProGibb SG
- Application is well suited to rotational grazing systems
- ProGibb SG performs best in high producing ‘clean’ pastures
- ProGibb SG should not be applied to pastures during establishment. The pasture needs to have developed it root system to such a degree to allow the plant to sustain the additional growth.
- ProGibb SG should not be applied to pastures containing rank growth. Ideally the ProGibb application should follow grazing or cutting that would eliminate rank growth
- A pasture base of at least 1000 kg DM/ha is recommended prior to the application of ProGibb SG
- Drought affected pastures need to be fully recovered prior to the application of ProGibb SG
- Applications of ProGibb SG during frost events should be avoided until pasture has recovered
- Adequate soil moisture and nutrients need to be available to support the additional pasture growth (Note: ProGibb SG is not a fertiliser or a fertiliser substitute)
- ProGibb should be applied with a boomspray that gives adequate coverage of the pasture. A boomspray with flat fan nozzles used to apply herbicides is perfectly suited to ProGibb applications. Ideally, a water volume of 100 litre per hectare should be used.