Chateau® Herbicide was launched last year to grape growers with great success, in fact Sumitomo Chemical Australia have been inundated with photographs of its ongoing control. The great news is the registration of Chateau has just been extended to include orchards. Chateau is now registered for the residual control of various grass and broadleaved weeds in grapes, pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus, tree nuts and olives.
Chateau 90 days after application in a Tasmanian vineyard
What is Chateau and how does it work?
The active ingredient in Chateau is 500 g/kg flumioxazin. Flumioxazin is a Group G herbicide with contact foliar and soil residual activity. Germinating seedlings pick up flumioxazin as they grow through the treated zone. As soon as they reach the soil surface flumioxazin reacts with sunlight and causes disruption of cell membranes and death of the plant. Essentially this means Chateau is an economic option for controlling hard to kill weeds without the need for repeated spraying operations during the growing season.
Chateau in use in a pear orchard in Shepparton Victoria
For more information on using Chateau in vineyards or orchards please refer to the below sources:
Or to go to the Chateau literature page which includes the Chateau calibration video please click here