
Admiral Advance
The new EcoSolution water based formulation for the control of silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Biotype B) in cotton, cucurbits, lettuce and sweet potatoes; the control of silverleaf whitefly and greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) in fruiting vegetables (except sweet corn and mushrooms), and the control of various scale in citrus, mangoes and olives.

DiPel DF
Controls Lepidopteran caterpillars in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Uses: Vegetables, Fruit, Vines, Oilseeds, Cereal Grains, Herbs, Tobacco, Ornamentals, Forestry, Amenity Trees and Turf.

Insect growth regulator for control of mites in Bananas,Citrus, Pome and Stone Fruit, Grapes, Tomatoes, Capsicum and Cotton

Fast acting botanical insecticide that provides short-term control of several insect pests by contact action on fruit and vegetable crops, as per the Directions for Use table.

Samurai Systemic Insecticide
For the control of mealybug, woolly aphid and codling moth in apples and pears, green peach aphid and oriental fruit moth in peaches and nectarines, mealybug in grapes, Queensland and Mediterranean Fruit Fly in table grapes, persimmon, pome fruit and stone fruit.

Shield Systemic Insecticide
For the control of aphids and mirids on cotton; rust thrips and weevil borer on bananas.

Sumi-Alpha Flex
Synthetic pyrethroid providing fast acting knockdown of a range of pests in cotton, broadacre crops and horticulture. Can be applied using water or oil as the carrier.

Sumithion 1000EC
For the control of locust and grasshopper pests of broadacre and horticultural crops, for the protection of cereal grain against stored product insect pests and for the control of various pests of pasture.

Xentari WG
Controls cabbage moth (diamondback moth), cabbage white butterfly, cabbage-centre grub and cabbage cluster caterpillar in cole crops.