
DiPel DF
Controls Lepidopteran caterpillars in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Uses: Vegetables, Fruit, Vines, Oilseeds, Cereal Grains, Herbs, Tobacco, Ornamentals, Forestry, Amenity Trees and Turf.

EndoPrime® is a plant and soil enhancement product that contains mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that naturally exist in soils colonising the root systems of plants. EndoPrime includes 4 high performing endo-mycorrhizae species that have been proven to increase crop productivity and overall plant and soil health.

Maxx Organosilicone Surfactant
A non-ionic wetter/spreader/penetrant for use with ReTain Plant Growth Regulator and other agricultural pesticides.

ProGibb LV Plus
For Foliar Spray Application to Certain Varieties of Grapes, Citrus, Prunes and Cherries to Promote Desirable Harvest Effects. To stimulate production of winter dormant grass-dominant pastures for high intensity grazing such as dairy pasture or sheep lambing paddocks. For Reduction of flowering and fruiting (THINNING) of apricots, nectarines, peaches in the next cropping season.

ProGibb SG
For foliar spray application to certain varieties of grapes, citrus and prunes to promote desirable harvest effects, for stretching bunches and reducing bunch density in wine grapes and to stimulate production of winter dormant grass-dominant pastures for high intensity grazing such as dairy pasture or sheep lambing paddocks.

Protone Plant Growth Regulator
To accelerate or increase the red colouration of berries and bunches of red table grapes (Vitis spp.)

Fast acting botanical insecticide that provides short-term control of several insect pests by contact action on fruit and vegetable crops, as per the Directions for Use table.

VectoBac WG
A biological larvicide for specific control of first to early fourth instar mosquito larvae.

Xentari WG
Controls cabbage moth (diamondback moth), cabbage white butterfly, cabbage-centre grub and cabbage cluster caterpillar in cole crops.