Plant Growth Regulators

Can improve fruit shape/typiness in apples. For thinning in apples when used in combination with CyLex Plant Growth Regulator. For thinning of Red Delicious and Gala apples in combination with NAA. Also for the promotion of lateral growth in Red Delicious apples and cherries.

For reducing fruit set, increasing fruit size and improving firmness of harvested apples.

ProGibb LV Plus
For Foliar Spray Application to Certain Varieties of Grapes, Citrus, Prunes and Cherries to Promote Desirable Harvest Effects. To stimulate production of winter dormant grass-dominant pastures for high intensity grazing such as dairy pasture or sheep lambing paddocks. For Reduction of flowering and fruiting (THINNING) of apricots, nectarines, peaches in the next cropping season.

ProGibb SG
For foliar spray application to certain varieties of grapes, citrus and prunes to promote desirable harvest effects, for stretching bunches and reducing bunch density in wine grapes and to stimulate production of winter dormant grass-dominant pastures for high intensity grazing such as dairy pasture or sheep lambing paddocks.

ProGibb SG Smartgrass
To stimulate production of winter grass-dominant pastures.

Protone Plant Growth Regulator
To accelerate or increase the red colouration of berries and bunches of red table grapes (Vitis spp.)

For reduction of flowering and fruiting (thinning) of apricots, nectarines, peaches, mandarins and naval oranges in the next cropping season.

A naturally occurring plant growth regulator for use in Cherries and Almonds for enhanced flower life which may improve fruit set. For use in Walnuts to increase fruit (nut) set in cultivars affected by pistillate flower abortion (PFA). For use in Apples and Stonefruit (except cherries) which can improve harvest management, fruit quality and enhance storage potential.

For the regulation (reduction) in plant height and the potential increase in crop yield in Poppies and Pyrethrum.

A plant growth regulating material for use on avocados to enhance fruit shape, increase fruit size and reduction in vegetative growth.